A couple of weeks after getting back from vacation with one of my good friends, I was surprised to hear that she broke up with

Blame it on The Pattern

While working on my disclaimer page, I knew I had to talk about swearing. I love to swear, and have often referred to curse words

All these years, I’ve been talkin’ fancy.

In times like these, a little bit of humor can go a long way. When everything seems so uncertain—and even a little bit scary—laughing at

My Plan B is to put a spin on a shortage

You may know me professionally as Mike Wozniak, the founder of SoftwareKey.com.  For years, I have purposely made the decision to hide behind my company’s

Is it Mike, Michael, Mikey, or Mikey Joey?

I love collecting idioms. They work so well as shortcuts when talking to people. Here’s a post about a couple of internet ​memes (yes, I

Ain’t nobody got time for Computer saying no!

You are probably asking why I devoted an entire blog post to define the phrase: "hot mess."  Well, it is because my next two posts

Let’s be clear on what I mean by “hot mess!”

It is 4:53 a.m., I let my dogs out, and I counted down 5-4-3-2-1 to avoid procrastination and to force myself to get this post

From ‘Hello World!’ to ‘Good Morning Universe!’